The Louise Bourgeois show was overwhelming. I've never been encountered with that much of her work, but it was really nice to see the progression of her work and some things that I've never seen before. Her drawings from 2007 remind me of my work.. which a couple other people noticed.
There was also a Guston show on the top floor which I was suppper excited to see because I've never seen any of his drawings. A bunch of kids ran up the stairs and started going crazy in the room. It was funny to see a group of girls in pink in front of a Guston.
Then we went to the American Art Museums Portrait Gallery. One of the first things you see when you walk in are the "Featured Photographs" and guess who was one of the featured photographers?
His photos were from a Morrissey show. A photo in the collection of Patrick O'dell at a Morrissey concert.
And this is a Patrick O'dell photo at a Morrissey show.
I have no idea what point I'm trying to make.
Moz makes straight men gay for a half hour.