"Sexy Matt" was selling drinks in front of Gentei and providing entertainment. Outfit 1.
Sonia is the cutest and prettiest and most precious!
Gutter Magazine wanted a piece of "Sexy Matt"
"Sext Matt" Outfit 2.
We went to the parking lot behind Eddie's because we heard people were doing naughty things, but found nothing. Instead "Sexy Matt" rode around with these guys. After the second photo, we lost him for a good hour.
After we were done hanging out on the street, we went on the roof to do more people watching. The back of the Potty's was the hotspot--girls peeing and doing coke. Oliver got in trouble by a police officer because he was pointing his laser pointer at people. I guess it sort of looks like a sniper laser.
We watched The Land of the Lost later. That movie is terrible. I was jumping most of the time because of how loud and scary the dinosaurs were. At one point, I didn't think I was going to make it through the whole movie and a few people walked out in the middle. Their were some funny parts, but it's definitely not worth watching. Then we went to Yakitori for some late night grubbage which was delicious, per usual. It was an exhausting day.
Looking back on the photos I took, I could've taken a lot more pictures of the people at the festival, because there were some awesome outfits--loincloth guy, leathermen.. the list is endless. I'm sure photos will surface of "Sexy Matt" crashing the parade and taking pictures with the mayor. I think I was just stoked on having my camera back after not having it for 3 weeks.
Happy pride everyone!