NYC Recap

August 25, 2009

It was great fun. My brother was a good excuse to finally do all the touristy stuff that I've never done i.e. Empire State building, the Statue of Liberty and falafel! Monday was exhausting because we did soo much walking. The Statue of Liberty thing took hoursss but it was fun. I took a cheesy John Lennon photo in front of the statue that I was geeking out about.

Mikey was pretty stoked on Union. We got soup and salad at Whole Foods and watched chess games for a good bit. Then we walked some more.. I can't even remember what we did. I really wanted to take him to the Magnolia Bakery but never got to go over to Greenwich Village. Sparkles and those other cupcake places can eat a stick.

We went to Yaffa on St. Marks for some late night grubbage that was utterly disappointing. Karen took me to Yaffa Cafe when I was in 8th grade, then I took my friend Thupten there when we were in high school. I remember it being pretty good, but I guess my taste buds have evolved and I have a better eye on restaurant-ing and food-ing. I was soo disappointed and can't see myself going there again, ever. Mikey said he would've been more stoked on another falafel.

All in all, it was good times. Just me and Mikey. Hotel on the upper west side, late night TBS movies, hours of Hula, tons of food, lots of pictures, lots of love.

Oh and I definitely saw Aunt Becky walking on 59th.

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The Dude rode ALL day Saturday and came back with some GREAT news. Be prepared for some amazing things coming in the Dude's future. 2010 is all his.