Senior year, my date to the senior dance (not prom, seniors Only dance) puked on me during dinner.
Our group of friends decided to do some pre-gaming on the drive to the location of our event, which was located on top of a hill, over-looking beautiful Orange County. I remember there being a bottle of Grey Goose in the car and maybe some Bud Light, but an hour into the night, I was carrying my date across the floor while my entire senior class stared in shame.
I took him to puke over the railing, into beautiful Orange County, and we got some food and sat back at our table. My date could barely open his eyes and the next thing I know, he's trying to shovel his previous meal back into his mouth, splattering the goodies all over me.
The chaperones thought we were having a little too much fun and called the cops. We got breath-tests and did the follow-my-finger trick with the cop. I think 6-8 of us were called out and I was the only one that got to stay. The rest had to go home, parents were called, nights were canceled.
I stayed, Natalie and Cameron took me home. I still had a good time. I mean, how many times have you been puked on by your date?
A couple nights ago, the group and I did a margarita night at the studios. I forget how deadly tequila is to people. The next thing I know, our 25 minute commute is extended to 2 hours due to trains being re-routed and I'm carrying a grown man that can barely walk.
I've always been the one to take care of people, given any circumstance. Especially when there's a lot of drugs and alcohol involved. People heavily under the influence don't want to be patronized or treated like a baby. You do that, you make them angry and make it more difficult to get them to do what you want.
Maybe the people you hang out with don't get completely trashed, but all of the events in my life lead up to the other night. I'm exaggerating, but it's because the group of people in this program this year are.. angels. We've got a Christian schoolgirl, a Mormon girl, Aspergers, a virgin.. and no one knew how to deal with extra-drunk/slightly scary.
So New York. I never want to haul a drunk guy from Brooklyn for two hours ever again. And I never want to enter a 95 degree subway platform. However, it was interesting and another story to add to the list. Puke doesn't seem to phase me anymore.