Wrap Up

January 21, 2011

I've been completely MIA around these parts the last week. Here's what's been going on:

-I've been spending time at The Kink House.
-On a late Del Taco run with The Dude, Sean, and James, James stepped in fresh poopie and got into my car. He was very upset about it and strung up his shoes. Then Sean gave James his shoes to walk into Del Taco with. Brotherly love.
-The Coachella lineup is out and for the first time in a long time, I have no desire to go. A very weak lineup for one of the most amazing musical experiences in the world.
-On our way to the bar in Long Beach, we saw a girl fight, which turned into a boy fight, which turned into Kink dudes running after the guy that sucker-punched Garrett.
-I've been spending my afternoons helping my mom at work since spring clothes are hurdling in.
-I am addicted to Grey's Anatomy.
-I spend absolutely NO time on the internet. I have no idea what's going on in the world, other than massive amounts of cattle dying in Asia and Fountain Lady suing.