October 2007. Baltimore, Maryland. The gang and I as a pumpkin patch.
The last seven days have been pretty amazing. An extremely good-looking guy took me out to dinner and I ate like a queen. I saw Gillian Welch at The Beacon Theatre, had brunch at The Northern Spy, dinner at Balthazar (disappointing), watched a screening of My Week with Marilyn and The Artist, had Indian food accompanied by a sitar and saw The Civil Wars at the Town Hall.
Zooey sings the National Anthem.
Woman with vibrator in suitcase gets a special note from TSA.
"Foreign gangs" stealing your debit card information.
The Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade
Angie made her first movie.
January Jones' baby daddy?
ADR's Wiki hacked.
Anton Yelchin talks to New York Magazine.
New Beyonce video featuring J. Cole.
Gwyneth Paltrow gives you a Halloween playlist (for those of you who don't listen to TSOL.. or something).
Ohio teacher convicted of having sex with her students.
I love how busy I am, but with this busyness comes sacrifices. In Baltimore, I had a lot of time to cook, bake, draw, paint, and be festive when holidays came around. Suddenly, it's Halloween and all I have done is set out my ghost bowl and filled it with candy corn. No pumpkin carving, no pumpkin-baking, no dressing up... nothing. I haven't even been able to delve into soup season (butternut squash & sweet potato soup, my brother's favorite vegetable soup, leek & potato soup, chili.. etc.). I have to find that balance, but it's hard when you're shuttling between two places, none of which feel like Home.
Have a fun Halloweekend.
Previously: Jack-o-Lantern sugar cookies, pumpkin pie, vegan pumpkin cupcakes.