The Dude is in there somewhere, doing a barspin over a giant heap of dirt. Scary.
After the contest was over, Superbad Brad showed up and serenaded the whole group with a boombox that was duct-taped to his hand. I'm sure there will be footage of all of Saturday's madness on the internet very soon.
(taken by the Dude's iPhone)
Brawlin' at the Belmar was held in Binghamton, New York. The Dude warned me that Binghamton was like a ghost town, but I wasn't expecting it to be that bad. It was terrible! Everyone was old and ridiculously overweight, it was a sad sight. I can't imagine what people do in that town. The "downtown" area was a two block by two block area that was not poppin at all. When we got to Binghamton at 9:30am, I was hoping to get a soy latte at a coffee shop because I was dreaming about one during the whole 3 1/2 hour drive there. When we arrived, the chances of me finding a latte were slim to none, but I was relieved to see a Dunkin Donuts and settled with a gigantic coffee.
For some reason, I wore a dress to the hoopla and got eaten alive by mosquitos. My skin reacts crazy to mosquito bites and I am now left with 20+ red splotches on my legs. I love nature, nature does not love me. I hate to be a girl, but sometimes.. there's no other way around it. Luckily I had pants in the car so I changed right away. They go from my foot to my butt. Uncomfortable.
All in all, it was fun. I met a couple people that I've heard the Dude talk about all the time and it's probably one of the last times I get to go to a contest/trip with the Dude since he's going to be busy on his own trips soon.