I am all about oatmeal right now. I don't know why I never discovered that I liked it before. This morning I am sitting with a bowl of oatmeal and strawberries and a cup of orange juice while my coffee steeps (in my french press). I've already got 30g of fiber, some vitamin C to help my body absorb it and 1/2c of fruit.
Oo and I forgot to take a photo of dinner last night. I made a corn and black bean salad with a bunch of goodies and barbeque tofu. I was just going to cook the tofu in store bought barbeque sauce and maybe add some extra fixins, but I only had a drop of barbeque sauce left so I had to make my own. The Dude likes barbeque sauce which is why it's in this apartment to begin with, so I'm used to making my own sauce. Icky and sticky yummy.
I miss talking about food.. haha :)