It might be my whole Clinique suitcase of stuff. I can't live without this trio. Everyday, all day. I have two or three different travel sizes of each for different occasions, so it's never a hassle having my kit with me. This is my skin-cleaning ritual before bed:
1. eye make-up remover (if wearing make-up)
2. mousse foaming cleanser
3. face soap (pictures above)
4. toner/clarifying lotion (pictured above)
5. lotion (pictured above)
6. "moisture surge" (when it's dry out)
7. under eye lotion (I never want bags so I'm preparing)
8. salicylic acid
It doesn't bother me to do this every night because I've been doing it since I was in 7th grade. My mom is often mistaken for my sister, and it's because she's been taking care of her skin so well for most of her life. I'm not worried about getting lines/getting older (I'm actually looking forward to salt-and-peppery hair), but I'd like to stay somewhat youthful and healthy for as long as I can. Your body is a wonderland.
[cue John Mayer]