California. December 2012. By Evan.
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Male Gaze:
Tupac's Six Pack.
New David Bowie album
out in March.
Just bought
this apron.
2013 health, beauty & fitness
NYT & Jerry Seinfeld: How to
How to Write a Joke.
How to:
Herbal Sachets.
I wish I could have
these platters.
Captain Paul Watson
quits Sea Shepherd.
New Harmony Korine
Dog with cancer gets an
epic last meal.
Evil Nine f/Danny Brown - "
The Black Brad Pitt"
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Last week, Evan got a Facebook message from a girl. Apparently, she was a victim of a
catfish who was pretending to be.. Evan! She linked to his MySpace and there were dozens and dozens of pictures of Evan from as young as 16. He has been pretending to be Evan (using a different name, of course) for years and years and this poor girl was duped into thinking she was speaking to someone "real".
This girl told Ev she was watching the MTV show "Catfish" and through some investigating and back-tracking photos "of him", she was able to find that the images were actually Evan, not [insert Catfish name]. The whole situation got us quite curious so we watched an episode and holy moly, is it a train wreck of a situation. It's absolutely astonishing that A, someone can
pretend to be someone (straight up lies) and B, people are willing to have these fictional, internet-based relationships with people. Of course, I believe what's been going on with
Manti Te'o but I also can't believe people can be victims to these things.
Though, it's not fair of me to say that because I have experienced, first hand, the untruths of speaking to someone via internet or text, only to realize that in real life, they are not that person. It's strange that in this century, people don't need to know how to relate with other people on a physical and tangible level. Girls (and boys) are fine with expressing "themselves" via their iPhones and Facebooks but when it comes to expressing themselves in the real world, they don't possess the power to be that person.
If we (they, Catfish) can pretend to be someone through our fingers or even through the phone, why is it that we can't be that person in real life? Is it more than the will to want to be someone or some way? Is that why politicians are politicians, actors are actors, singers are singers, the savvy are savvy, the successful are the successful. Are our lives predetermined to be that of one type--the type that can't relate. The type that can't "be cool" or good-looking or successful. I mean, discussing social Darwinism is passé but I wonder if, in this new age, our will and the accessibility we have to each other, without actually seeing each other flesh to flesh, will create more of these so-called successes.