Photo by Evan
It's all what you make of it, and nothing is ever what it seems.
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Fucking with The Sartorialist.
45 pictures of scared bros.
Mitt Romney's binder's full of women.
Brad Pitt's weird Chanel perfume commercial.
Justin Bieber is our modern-day Willy Wonka.
Romney-Ryan ticket will overturn Roe vs Wade.
A day in the life with Nick Hook.
The Cut explores Marilyn Monroe's weird diet.
Pitchfork TV presents "Music & the Psychedlic Mind".
Angie Jolie writes about Malala.
Ann Romney talks abortion on The View.
Cold Cave plays Webster Hall this Sunday.
Mario Testino - "In Your Face" now showing in Boston.
Obama on The Daily Show.
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It's fall in NYC and there's something quite romantic about the way the weather has changed. I walk closer to my boyfriend and hold his arm a bit tighter. The smell of fall foods and spices fill my apartment. Miniature pumpkins line my windows and shelves. The cold air seep's through the window cracks. The only thing that's missing is a clean apartment. Damn the limited storage space in Manhattan apartments.
Have a great weekend~