August 2011. New York, New York. Via ihardlyknowher.com/thebadfaith
This week has been insanely busy. I have had little time to listen to the radio, browse the world news, or even peek at my celebrity gossip sites. I feel like I am completely out of the loop to what is happening in the world this week. It's uncomfortable.. but I like it.
Lindsey falls at Versace.
Jason Wu is next for Target.
Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life (trailer)
Trash Talk video for "Burn Alive".
Orcas hanging out in Alaska river, scientists wonder why.
MGMT covers "Lucifer Sam" on Jimmy Fallon.
Alcohol vs drug prohibition.
Another Dragon Tattoo trailer.
He rules.
LA waters: Watch out, please.
It's easy to upset yourself with the things that happen in this world that you cannot help. And when you realize you actually can help, it is all the more upsetting. I feel that one lives the life they want to live or the life they choose to live.. and there are so few that live those two lives together. There is one whom I admire and he will never know. I watch from a distance and in my heart of hearts, I ache for him. In a romantic way, I'm not sure. But I do ache with envy and admiration.
With that said, you find things that make you happy which might outweigh that aching heart. And by things I mean people. And by people, I mean person.
Have a nice weekend.