Via evanhuntermcknight.tumblr.com
sandy zine-
All the photos in this zine were taken in lower Manhattan from Oct, 29 2012 to Nov, 2 2012—the days following Hurricane Sandy where a significant chunk of America’s largest city was without power. A $10 donation will get you this 52-page zine and help aid the recovery of many along our coast who are, still, without power and many now, without homes.
Please come by New York Adorned, Tuesday through Thursday, or PayPal payments can be sent to sandyreliefzine@gmail.com (there is a donation button on the left of [his] blog). Please include your shipping address, and $1 donations for shipping are much appreciated.
Limited quantities also avalible at Mast Books and Printed Matter.
All proceeds go to hurricane relief. If you would prefer to have your donation go to Occupy Sandy instead of the Red Cross please specify upon donating.