April 29, 2010

Momma went to Giada's book signing at the Williams Sonoma in South Coast Plaza today and surprised me with a copy :) I'm so jelly. This would've been such a perfect mother-daughter event. She said they were sampling recipes from the book, too! Ayyee Giada.
My mom said there were a lot of guys there. I wonder why?
I love my momma.
I love poached eggs

I know runny eggs disgust a lot of people, but I absolutely love an oozing yolk. As long as I don't think too hard about what I'm eating, I'm okay with it. It has to be with toast or crusty bread so I can sop up all of that golden goodness. Grossss.

Soo.. that new Lady Gaga song reminds me of Ace of Base too much
And in searching for a video of "Don't Turn Around" to post, I found this:

April 27, 2010

KOMBUCHA (pronounced kom-BOO-cha) is a handmade Chinese tea that is delicately cultured for 30 days. During this time, essential nutrients form like: Active Enzymes, Viable Probiotics, Amino Acids, Antioxidants, and Polyphenols. All of these combine to create an elixir that immediately works with the body to restore balance and vitality.
95% G.T.'s organic raw kombucha and 100% pure love!!!
The Dude has been drinking this for a year or so and before a couple weeks ago, I only had a sippy sip. Now I've been drinking one every couple days. I took it to the shop the other day and everyone knew what it was and were appalled that I was drinking it. I totally get where they were coming from because The First time I ever had it, I thought it was absolutely the most disgusting thing in the world. Now, it's yummy.
When reading everything on the bottle, it's sounds really hokey and but it's supposed to be really good for you, and right now, during finals, during stress and worrying times.. I need all the health boost I can get so I don't have another uh-oh and have to go BACK to the doctors.
Battle wounds
April 26, 2010

Me vs The Skillet. You win this time.. Skillet. But I'll get you, just you wait. And yes, those are bubbles.
Note to self: Do not cook while half asleep.
Side note: I'm wearing a raglan that I found at The Dude's house from when he was a wee lad.

Esther made dinner for 10
April 19, 2010

Esther made a huge dinner my last night in Austin for friends and family. I invited Natalie to get to know the fam, which went really well. They all loved her :) And she them.
Dinner was:
hummus and chips
goat cheese and toasty bread
parmesan basil bread
hodge podge marinated lamb
with two sauces: raspberry coulis and a parsley garlic shindig
roasted potatoes
and a green veggie medley of-
asparagus, broccolini, and brussel sprouts
And I made brownies for dessert. Happiness is so easily accomplished with food.
Adventures in Whole Foods
In Austin, I made sure to go to The Whole Foods Headquarters. The Dude has spent many a lunches there and has told me all about it.

These are the only pictures I took, because I spent most of the hour in there walking up and down the isles, looking at all the freshly made food, and gazing at the chocolate shoppe. I could've easily ate lunch there with all the samples they had out.

These are the only pictures I took, because I spent most of the hour in there walking up and down the isles, looking at all the freshly made food, and gazing at the chocolate shoppe. I could've easily ate lunch there with all the samples they had out.

Classy couple
Mikey is at Coachella, along with the rest of Los Angeles. If I were taller, I would aim towards Beyonce's legs. There's a difference between thick and toned, and thick and not.. And her legs are perfection.

GAIA for Shop Gentei
April 16, 2010

My darling boy did a piece inside the shop and just finished another one out back on the garage door. More pictures coming soon. Shitty iPhone photo from Oliver's blog.

Designers turned into Disney characters
for Elle Espana.

Though I think the only good ones are Karl, Donatella, Galliano, and Sonia Rykiel. Cute.

Though I think the only good ones are Karl, Donatella, Galliano, and Sonia Rykiel. Cute.
$400 of cheese and wine at Max's

I'm back from Austin and sicker than sick. I don't know whether the traveling got to me, or I caught something from someone somewhere.. but my throat feels like a rat is trying to crawl through it, the way a dog gets stuck in a cat door and tries to wiggle it's way through and scratches at the floor. Yeah, that's what I feel like. I can muster up the energy to go to class, but I don't want to give anyone this type of torture, so I opt to stay home. Luckily, it's an easy week so I feel okay with it.
Austin was sick. I bought a ring and a top that I didn't need, but life isn't about what you need, it's about what you want, right? That's completely false, but I'm going to go with it right now. I spent time with Natalie and the ADPhi girlies (yes, that's Alpha Delta Phi, duh) and hung out with the familyyy which was so nice.
Esther (cousin) and Adam (hubby) have two beautiful black labs and I am hooked. Shane has a black lab/pit bull mix and I am convinced my destiny is to have a giant black animal. At one point, Mack would jump on me and I'd be looking at him eye-to-eye. I love it.
I'm definitely glad I'm back in Baltimore, doing me and being productive (minus the last couple days due to the dog-through-the-cat-door situation). I've got some good things coming my way and I am extra stoked on this weather.
I'm taking a mini-break
from this place. Check back in a week or so because I need a getaway. I'll be in Austin this weekend and busy in the few days after. Also, I think it's fair to ask the homies that read this a few times a week to holler at me. It's not fair that you get to peek into my life and I don't know anything about what's going on with you. Call me, text me, email me, or if you really want to.. Facebook. And the lurkers can keep creepin.. because you're creepy anyway.
What do you get when you mix
April 06, 2010
Coka Cola, Coco Chanel, and Coco Rochas?

It's pretty hilarious.

It's pretty hilarious.

I was talking to The Dude about hypochondriasis yesterday and I couldn't define it, so I wiki-ed it. In reading the definition, I realized that I am a hypochondriac! The Dude says I have just become one in the last four months and it's definitely true.
Yesterday I had a mini-meltdown. I thought my legs looked swollen and after spinning, I stepped on the scale and I gained a ridiculous amount of weight since the last time I was at the gym.. which was Wednesday. To make a long story short, there are a few other things that have been factoring in to me FREAKING OUT about being pregnant or swelling or having a bodily reaction to working out for the first time in 4 months.. or some other crazy shit. Luckily, after reading that I have the qualities of being a hypochondriac, I suddenly felt that none of these things were an issue, and that my body is just changing and adjusting to a lifestyle that has drastically changed in the last 4 months and a lifestyle that I am trying to change back.
Honestly, the reason I wear a holter and have been visiting a cardiologist is because I want to reassure my parents (and my extended family) that I am a healthy girl. All the doctors say so and I think I take care of my body pretty well. I truly know the culprit is STRESS. Stress has been proven to kill people, and I think it's just that. It's probably stress added to the fact that I used to go to the gym to deal with the stress which probably overworked me to the point of passing out on the occasion.
But there I mean, diagnosing myself. "Many individuals with hypochondriasis express doubt and disbelief in the doctors' diagnosis, and report that doctors’ reassurance about an absence of a serious medical condition is unconvincing, or un-lasting."
Haha it's just too funny.

First time spinning in almost 4 months

Since I have the o.k. to hit the gym I'm taking spinning up again. My ass is in pain. I got a couple crazy heart palpitations that I couldn't mark on my holter, but I'm okay with it. I only have a week left with this thing!

One of my favorite Destiny's Child videos
Maybe it's because I think T.I. is kinda cute, or because you can find me in a red bandana and a beater in the summer.. whatever it is there's something about this video that makes me feel.. something.

Storm chaser

Mike Hollingshead is a "storm chaser" (cue Twister flashes in brain). His website is a piece of doodoo but some of the photos are slick.

I don't know why, but I watched this whole thing
April 05, 2010
It's kind of weird.. but I was still fascinated. I'm all for training your kids early to be the best. I bet no one's going to mess with him.

Bridges of Madison County

This movie made me want to kill myself. If The Dude weren't in the room with me, I probably would've sobbed my way through the whole movie.
Two of the most beautiful people in the world brought together to make the ultimate love story. AYE.

April 01, 2010

In a fit of nostalgia (and because it was right next to Home Depot), The Dude and I decided to go to CiCi's for lunch. I guess he used to go a lot in high school with his friends, so he thought I should try it and I obliged.
How can you run a business on all-you-can-eat food for $3.99? It just doesn't seem right. The salad bar and pizza assembly line looked so pathetic. I guess I wasn't expecting much, but I was so disappointed, even with no expectations. I don't even want to know how the food is made at $3.99 per person.
On the way back to my studio, my stomach was aching and definitely had to stop everything I was doing to run to the ladies room. All day, my stomach was not happy. That night The Dude's stomach was not so happy either and I had to reap the consequences (aka SMELLY).
We decided that, although it is a place of memory for him, we will never return to that place. I also think because we eat pretty well, our stomachs could not handle whatever shit that shit was made out of.
I honestly can't even believe I went there. I can say some pretty horrible things about this place AND the people that eat there, but I don't want to offend anyone.
If you really want mac-n-cheese pizza, come over. I promise I can probably make it 100% better. And brownies. And cinnamon buns.

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