Sundays I do grocery shopping. Since I have a 25 minute treck from Union Square to my apartment, I get most of my stuff at Whole Foods and the rest I get down the block. I walk into the down-the-block spot and am looking through onions or something and the Mexican guy doing produce is saying stuff in Spanish to some other guy stacking stuff on a ladder. He's standing two feet away from me and is saying things like, "I want to touch your little pussy," and "I want to lick you," but saying it in a funny way to his co-worker as to not sound suspicious. Little does he know, Spanish was my first language so I knew what he was saying. I turned to him and said, "I know what your'e saying dude. I grew up in Mexico."
"Oh. Halblas espanol?"
"Um, yeah. Muy bien. So you should stop."
I walk away and continue my shopping. I'm not the tattletale type, but I happened to see a good-looking Armenian dude with a notepad and asked him if he owned the spot. He said, no, but he could help me out because he knows the guys upstairs. I told him a produce guy was saying inappropriate things in Spanish and that I know Spanish. He asked for specifics (if it was okay) and when I told him he bit his notepad and ran away. As I was checking out, another big Armenian dude comes out and tells me he's sorry and that he'll handle it.
But I'm not. How many stories have you heard of people talking in a different language to someone they're with about someone else and that person turn around and spit back in the language? What pissed me off the most (the reason I chose to call that guy out and tell on him) was that he was saying that shit right next to me. "I want to touch your pusseta," isn't cool because you think I don't understand you.