Home sweet home
There is a new HBO show called "Girls" that is going to air in March. Imagine "Sex and the City" but 10 years younger, no money, unglamorous, lots of awkward sex and the best sense of NYC reality for your average twenty-something girl. It's unabashedly funny and filmed beautifully. Judd Apatow's amazing sense of humor and Lena Dunham's intelligent, fresh, very artistic and witty style is going to kill TV Land. Get ready.
From the web:
Note to self: Don't look at skater tumblr's at work.
I think Brooklyn Decker looks like a porn star, mostly because she reminds me of a hybrid of Anna Nicole Smith and Jenna Haze.
Wade from Alexisonfire is going to be the new Gallows singer -_-
The two Koreas exchange fire.
My boyfriend left me for Equador.
The Shins new song.
Tara Reid X Pam Anderson reality show?
This kid can't get tattooed.
New Laura Marling video for "Sophia".
I wish we still practiced death by burning.
You have to see this picture of Ryan Gosling.
Steaktooth gives me a wee shout.
Being "grown-up" means handling things in a grown-up manner. No es bueno porque es muy dificil de hacer. But it's necessary.