I love how protective my guy friends are of me.
We went to a breakfast Friday morning and RJ's beautiful black Chevelle would not start on our way out. After a half hour of trying to figure out what was wrong, it was time to call AAA and get that baby towed back to RJ's. We spent the rest of the afternoon with a beautiful view of the Pacific ocean while Nick and RJ played the geetar and smoked the ganja. We made tacos for dinner and topped the day of with Rx Bandits at Bottom of the Hill.
After a huge day of nothing and Chinese food on Saturday, Sunday we decided to get the hell out of the house and spent the day on a hunt for oysters at the Hog Island Oyster Company, followed by gelato at Ciao Bella. Then there was some intense Mexican-pizza-making for dinner, followed by Underoath, Thursday, and Animals as Leaders at The Regency. Thursday played Full Collapse in its entirety to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the album. That was a LOT of fun.
It's good to be around people you love.