Alexander Wang
Studded anything--glasses, shoes, pumps, boots, bags, jackets.. can't do it. Won't do it. Alexander Wang is brilliant, as is Karl, CL, Valentino and whoever is doing studded everything, but I hate it.

Jeffrey Campbell -- Photo via Le Blog de Betty
Peep-toe boots. Especially peep-toe boots with an open heel. Aesthetically displeasing. And speaking of Jeffrey Campbell..

Jeffrey Campbell's Lita shoe might be the worst thing to happen to feet, ever. I've expressed my disdain previously here.

Photo via Flickr
The cupcake craze, especially foolishly decorated ones. I'll make cupcakes upon request, but I am not going to go on a hunt for them through D.C. or the Los Angeles area. Magnolia Bakery cupcakes are as good as they're hyped upped to be, but Sprinkles and the like.. no.

Going outside of your lip line. This is the only flaw I find in Gwen and it bothers me so much. I had an old tutor lady when I was 13 who used to do it and it drove me nuts. I'd watch her reapply that slightly offset color to her face and I wanted to puke.
La La La~