Saturday afternoon, the Dude came to my studio with me to help me put a couple canvas' together. It was nice having a man around the studio to help me staple things together because I just can't do it. Well, I can, but it would've taken twice as long. We can out of staples during the second canvas, so we decided to leave things at that and begin our weekend.
We stopped at Papermoon to get some food before the 3 hour drive ahead of us. Everything we got had pesto:
marinated mushroom sub with goat cheese and pesto
pesto with mushrooms
tofu pesto salad

The Dude's friend, Larry, was having a graduation party somewhere in New Jersey. The house was Huge! I didn't even take a stroll around, but the whole "basement" (if you can call it that) was completely dedicated to toys and fun. We dubbed it "Larry's Fantasy Factory" but the Dude claims it was called "Larry's Fantasy Island". Anyhow, there were way too serious pool games going on, some basketball throwage, some hoolahooping competitions, hoolahoop backwards-spin-and-jump-thru contests, scooter contests, scooter time trials around the pool table, a sexy game of Twister, Ants in My Pants, foozball.. and so much more. The Dude found a sing-a-long piano book that he was into.

My favorite part was the vast array of pretzels, some of which were covered with gold! After all of Larry's guests left, Larry, Colleen, their two dogs, Ben, and I had a slumber party downstairs aka just passed out.
We woke up at 7am to start heading to Hackettstown, New Jersey for a contest. The contest was supposed to start at 10am, but it didn't start 'til about 1pm. Larry went to film an edit for Vital and I just went as moral support for the Dude. I really didn't know it was going to be that long of an affair. I imagined it to be 'til about 5pm or 7pm, but not 9! I was exhausted from doing nothing on five hours of sleep.
Two minutes before the "pro's" were about to ride, the Dude broke a crank arm. Poopie. Luckily, someone offered theirs, which was the "same" and even had the same pedal the Dude rides. So the Dude shreds and qualifies for the finals. Shreds again and ties for third. I don't even know who he tied or who came in 2nd, but baby Garrett Reynolds got first. Boo. The Dude got some loot and all in all, it was a good day.
We drove Larry back to Philly and got back to Baltimore at 2am. I wanted to go to the studio to work before my critique today, but I decided that it'd be better to sleep now for a few hours and go in early early.
So here I am. PB&J and an apple.