They key to happiness is good food

January 01, 2010

Life is food. I think you people can see that I love eating and making really great food. Food that's healthy (healthier) and simple.

Me and the fam always do an outting in Newport Beach and go to Fashion Island to walk and buy and eat. The place to eat is R&D Cafe. There's only 10 things on the menu but everything (except the tuna.. maybe) is yummy.

The coleslaw is the most amazing coleslaw you will ever eat. I know it's coleslaw and that's gross and you can only picture the childhood coleslaw from KFC that is drenched in that white goop, but this is good.

French dip, asian salads, deconstructed chicken salad, veggie burger, sea bass.

Chocolate pudding with Gran Marnier.