One of the toughest weeks I've had in a while. And it's not even over.
From ze web:
Prince William has nice arms.
Woman dies from an allergic reaction after having sex with a dog.
I told you Ellie Saab was going to be on the red carpet.
Outside Lands tickets on sale.
Apparently, we're calling Michelle Obama FLOTUS. Unless it's been happenin..
James Franco and Kulup Linzy.
The girly-"avante garde"-blogworld is super stoked on these Korean girls. You know my disdain for the "rock-n-roll"/studded-everything look. The Misfits skull jacket just pisses me off. I don't know. I get it, but I think it's dumb.
Listening to this.
We still love Robert Downey Jr.
A new drug that drastically reduces the risks of transmitting HIV/AIDS.
Added someone to the friend roll on the right you can check out.
I can't believe how much other peoples lives are changing, too. It gives me some comfort that the cloud isn't just over my head, but it's scary. Why is this happening to everyone?
My mood in this weeks land of self-important-webpage has been pretty apparent.
I just want to go home.
Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun. Now there's a look in your eyes like black holes in the sky..